Landscape Architecture
EOI 2018 +
  1. Orchid Conversation 
  2. Self Seeding Riparian Landscapes
  3. Giordano Bruno
  4. John Ashbery
  5. Philip Ball
  6. Trumbull Stickney
  7. G.W.F. Hegel

Botanical Flirt 
EOI 2019 ++
  1. Douglas Adams
  2. Terence McKenna
  3. P.B. Shelley
  4. Bruno Schulz
  5. Nicola Tesla
  6. Olaf Stapledon
  7. G.M. Hopkins
  8. Buckminster Fuller
  9. James Joyce
  10. Richard Feynman

Object Int’l —
  1. A rock is a perfect metaphor, an allegory in volume. When placed its sculptural limits beget a kind of artistic proposition — and when considered with reduced anthropomorphism and ungeologically — produce a ready-made analog to the causation and bounds of our attempts at the understanding of all things.

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10. G.W.F. Hegel


               From The Phenomenology of Spirit, 1807The bud disappears when the blossom breaks through, and we might say that the former is refuted by the latter; in the same way when the fruit comes, the blossom may be explained to be a false form of the plant’s existence, for the fruit appears as its true nature in place of the blossom. The ceaseless activity of their own inherent nature makes these stages moments of an organic unity, where they do not merely contradict one another, but where one is as necessary as the other; and constitutes thereby the life of the whole.
